:mod:`airflow.contrib.operators.imap_attachment_to_s3_operator` =============================================================== .. py:module:: airflow.contrib.operators.imap_attachment_to_s3_operator Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: ImapAttachmentToS3Operator(imap_attachment_name, s3_key, imap_mail_folder='INBOX', imap_check_regex=False, s3_overwrite=False, imap_conn_id='imap_default', s3_conn_id='aws_default', *args, **kwargs) Bases: :class:`airflow.models.BaseOperator` Transfers a mail attachment from a mail server into s3 bucket. :param imap_attachment_name: The file name of the mail attachment that you want to transfer. :type imap_attachment_name: str :param s3_key: The destination file name in the s3 bucket for the attachment. :type s3_key: str :param imap_mail_folder: The folder on the mail server to look for the attachment. :type imap_mail_folder: str :param imap_check_regex: If set checks the `imap_attachment_name` for a regular expression. :type imap_check_regex: bool :param s3_overwrite: If set overwrites the s3 key if already exists. :type s3_overwrite: bool :param imap_conn_id: The reference to the connection details of the mail server. :type imap_conn_id: str :param s3_conn_id: The reference to the s3 connection details. :type s3_conn_id: str .. attribute:: template_fields :annotation: = ['imap_attachment_name', 's3_key'] .. method:: execute(self, context) This function executes the transfer from the email server (via imap) into s3. :param context: The context while executing. :type context: dict