:mod:`airflow.contrib.operators.gcs_delete_operator` ==================================================== .. py:module:: airflow.contrib.operators.gcs_delete_operator Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: GoogleCloudStorageDeleteOperator(bucket_name, objects=None, prefix=None, google_cloud_storage_conn_id='google_cloud_default', delegate_to=None, *args, **kwargs) Bases: :class:`airflow.models.BaseOperator` Deletes objects from a Google Cloud Storage bucket, either from an explicit list of object names or all objects matching a prefix. :param bucket_name: The GCS bucket to delete from :type bucket_name: str :param objects: List of objects to delete. These should be the names of objects in the bucket, not including gs://bucket/ :type objects: List[str] :param prefix: Prefix of objects to delete. All objects matching this prefix in the bucket will be deleted. :param google_cloud_storage_conn_id: The connection ID to use for Google Cloud Storage :type google_cloud_storage_conn_id: str :param delegate_to: The account to impersonate, if any. For this to work, the service account making the request must have domain-wide delegation enabled. :type delegate_to: str .. attribute:: template_fields :annotation: = ['bucket_name', 'prefix', 'objects'] .. method:: execute(self, context)