:mod:`airflow.contrib.hooks.redshift_hook` ========================================== .. py:module:: airflow.contrib.hooks.redshift_hook Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: RedshiftHook Bases: :class:`airflow.contrib.hooks.aws_hook.AwsHook` Interact with AWS Redshift, using the boto3 library .. method:: get_conn(self) .. method:: cluster_status(self, cluster_identifier) Return status of a cluster :param cluster_identifier: unique identifier of a cluster :type cluster_identifier: str .. method:: delete_cluster(self, cluster_identifier, skip_final_cluster_snapshot=True, final_cluster_snapshot_identifier='') Delete a cluster and optionally create a snapshot :param cluster_identifier: unique identifier of a cluster :type cluster_identifier: str :param skip_final_cluster_snapshot: determines cluster snapshot creation :type skip_final_cluster_snapshot: bool :param final_cluster_snapshot_identifier: name of final cluster snapshot :type final_cluster_snapshot_identifier: str .. method:: describe_cluster_snapshots(self, cluster_identifier) Gets a list of snapshots for a cluster :param cluster_identifier: unique identifier of a cluster :type cluster_identifier: str .. method:: restore_from_cluster_snapshot(self, cluster_identifier, snapshot_identifier) Restores a cluster from its snapshot :param cluster_identifier: unique identifier of a cluster :type cluster_identifier: str :param snapshot_identifier: unique identifier for a snapshot of a cluster :type snapshot_identifier: str .. method:: create_cluster_snapshot(self, snapshot_identifier, cluster_identifier) Creates a snapshot of a cluster :param snapshot_identifier: unique identifier for a snapshot of a cluster :type snapshot_identifier: str :param cluster_identifier: unique identifier of a cluster :type cluster_identifier: str