Source code for airflow.contrib.operators.jenkins_job_trigger_operator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

import time
import socket
import json
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults
from airflow.contrib.hooks.jenkins_hook import JenkinsHook
import jenkins
from jenkins import JenkinsException
from six.moves.urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError

except NameError:
    basestring = str  # For python3 compatibility

# TODO Use jenkins_urlopen instead when it will be available
# in the stable python-jenkins version (> 0.4.15)
def jenkins_request_with_headers(jenkins_server, req, add_crumb=True):
    We need to get the headers in addition to the body answer
    to get the location from them
    This function is just a copy of the one present in python-jenkins library
    with just the return call changed
    :param jenkins_server: The server to query
    :param req: The request to execute
    :param add_crumb: Boolean to indicate if it should add crumb to the request
        if jenkins_server.auth:
            req.add_header('Authorization', jenkins_server.auth)
        if add_crumb:
        response = urlopen(req, timeout=jenkins_server.timeout)
        response_body =
        response_headers =
        if response_body is None:
            raise jenkins.EmptyResponseException(
                "Error communicating with server[%s]: "
                "empty response" % jenkins_server.server)
        return {'body': response_body.decode('utf-8'), 'headers': response_headers}
    except HTTPError as e:
        # Jenkins's funky authentication means its nigh impossible to
        # distinguish errors.
        if e.code in [401, 403, 500]:
            # six.moves.urllib.error.HTTPError provides a 'reason'
            # attribute for all python version except for ver 2.6
            # Falling back to HTTPError.msg since it contains the
            # same info as reason
            raise JenkinsException(
                'Error in request. ' +
                'Possibly authentication failed [%s]: %s' % (
                    e.code, e.msg)
        elif e.code == 404:
            raise jenkins.NotFoundException('Requested item could not be found')
    except socket.timeout as e:
        raise jenkins.TimeoutException('Error in request: %s' % e)
    except URLError as e:
        # python 2.6 compatibility to ensure same exception raised
        # since URLError wraps a socket timeout on python 2.6.
        if str(e.reason) == "timed out":
            raise jenkins.TimeoutException('Error in request: %s' % e.reason)
        raise JenkinsException('Error in request: %s' % e.reason)

[docs]class JenkinsJobTriggerOperator(BaseOperator): """ Trigger a Jenkins Job and monitor it's execution. This operator depend on python-jenkins library, version >= 0.4.15 to communicate with jenkins server. You'll also need to configure a Jenkins connection in the connections screen. :param jenkins_connection_id: The jenkins connection to use for this job :type jenkins_connection_id: string :param job_name: The name of the job to trigger :type job_name: string :param parameters: The parameters block to provide to jenkins. (templated) :type parameters: string :param sleep_time: How long will the operator sleep between each status request for the job (min 1, default 10) :type sleep_time: int :param max_try_before_job_appears: The maximum number of requests to make while waiting for the job to appears on jenkins server (default 10) :type max_try_before_job_appears: int """ template_fields = ('parameters',) template_ext = ('.json',) ui_color = '#f9ec86' @apply_defaults def __init__(self, jenkins_connection_id, job_name, parameters="", sleep_time=10, max_try_before_job_appears=10, *args, **kwargs): super(JenkinsJobTriggerOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.job_name = job_name self.parameters = parameters if sleep_time < 1: sleep_time = 1 self.sleep_time = sleep_time self.jenkins_connection_id = jenkins_connection_id self.max_try_before_job_appears = max_try_before_job_appears
[docs] def build_job(self, jenkins_server): """ This function makes an API call to Jenkins to trigger a build for 'job_name' It returned a dict with 2 keys : body and headers. headers contains also a dict-like object which can be queried to get the location to poll in the queue. :param jenkins_server: The jenkins server where the job should be triggered :return: Dict containing the response body (key body) and the headers coming along (headers) """ # Warning if the parameter is too long, the URL can be longer than # the maximum allowed size if self.parameters and isinstance(self.parameters, basestring): import ast self.parameters = ast.literal_eval(self.parameters) if not self.parameters: # We need a None to call the non parametrized jenkins api end point self.parameters = None request = Request(jenkins_server.build_job_url(self.job_name, self.parameters, None), b'') return jenkins_request_with_headers(jenkins_server, request)
[docs] def poll_job_in_queue(self, location, jenkins_server): """ This method poll the jenkins queue until the job is executed. When we trigger a job through an API call, the job is first put in the queue without having a build number assigned. Thus we have to wait the job exit the queue to know its build number. To do so, we have to add /api/json (or /api/xml) to the location returned by the build_job call and poll this file. When a 'executable' block appears in the json, it means the job execution started and the field 'number' then contains the build number. :param location: Location to poll, returned in the header of the build_job call :param jenkins_server: The jenkins server to poll :return: The build_number corresponding to the triggered job """ try_count = 0 location = location + '/api/json' # TODO Use get_queue_info instead # once it will be available in python-jenkins (v > 0.4.15)'Polling jenkins queue at the url %s', location) while try_count < self.max_try_before_job_appears: location_answer = jenkins_request_with_headers(jenkins_server, Request(location)) if location_answer is not None: json_response = json.loads(location_answer['body']) if 'executable' in json_response: build_number = json_response['executable']['number']'Job executed on Jenkins side with the build number %s', build_number) return build_number try_count += 1 time.sleep(self.sleep_time) raise AirflowException("The job hasn't been executed" " after polling the queue %d times", self.max_try_before_job_appears)
def get_hook(self): return JenkinsHook(self.jenkins_connection_id)
[docs] def execute(self, context): if not self.jenkins_connection_id: self.log.error( 'Please specify the jenkins connection id to use.' 'You must create a Jenkins connection before' ' being able to use this operator') raise AirflowException('The jenkins_connection_id parameter is missing,' 'impossible to trigger the job') if not self.job_name: self.log.error("Please specify the job name to use in the job_name parameter") raise AirflowException('The job_name parameter is missing,' 'impossible to trigger the job') 'Triggering the job %s on the jenkins : %s with the parameters : %s', self.job_name, self.jenkins_connection_id, self.parameters) jenkins_server = self.get_hook().get_jenkins_server() jenkins_response = self.build_job(jenkins_server) build_number = self.poll_job_in_queue( jenkins_response['headers']['Location'], jenkins_server) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) keep_polling_job = True build_info = None while keep_polling_job: try: build_info = jenkins_server.get_build_info(name=self.job_name, number=build_number) if build_info['result'] is not None: keep_polling_job = False # Check if job had errors. if build_info['result'] != 'SUCCESS': raise AirflowException( 'Jenkins job failed, final state : %s.' 'Find more information on job url : %s' % (build_info['result'], build_info['url'])) else:'Waiting for job to complete : %s , build %s', self.job_name, build_number) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) except jenkins.NotFoundException as err: raise AirflowException( 'Jenkins job status check failed. Final error was: %s' % err.resp.status) except jenkins.JenkinsException as err: raise AirflowException( 'Jenkins call failed with error : %s, if you have parameters ' 'double check them, jenkins sends back ' 'this exception for unknown parameters' 'You can also check logs for more details on this exception ' '(jenkins_url/log/rss)', str(err)) if build_info: # If we can we return the url of the job # for later use (like retrieving an artifact) return build_info['url']